Thursday, April 21, 2022

Since we needed to postpone in 2021, plans are now underway for the ORHS Class of 1971 in 2022! Louie Finley ( and Lisa Christie Boone ( have once again taken on the role of co-chairs for our reunion committee.

Please MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW for Sept. 16 & 17, 2022.
The Doubletree Hotel (Group Code: C71) in Oak Ridge has been reserved for Friday and Saturday night. The committee is working fast and furiously to get plans finalized. Registration forms are available through the link at right. 
In the meantime, if you have remained in contact with any '71 grads, please forward this information to them, in case we do not have their email on file. Also, if any of your information (name, address, home phone, cell phone, or email) has changed since the 45th reunion, please provide updated information to Lisa Christy Boone at:
Thank you so much! Looking forward to seeing everyone this fall!!

1 comment:

  1. I can't remember if I registered for our reunion or not.what is the price per couple. Oh, my maiden name was Collins.My husband is Tom Shoults. You can reach me at 680-2146,my husband 680-2151we will do the Saturday. Thank you for working so diligently
